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Toward a Sustainable Society – Elephantech’s Environmental Information Disclosure Initiatives
At Elephantech, we believe that it's our responsibility as a corporation to communicate our efforts in reducing our environmental impact. To make this easier to understand, we've worked on visualizing our sustainability initiatives.
【Press Release News】Elephantech Wins Best Business Practices Award at the EcoBalance International Conference
Tokyo, Japan - Elephantech Inc. ("Elephantech") won the EcoBalance Award for the Best Business Practices at the 15th Biennial International Conference on EcoBalance held at Fukuoka Convention Center from October 30 to November 2.
Neochromato process
ファッション・テキスタイルロスゼロを目指す ポリエステル抜染技術『ネオクロマト加工』
The Neochromato process jointly developed by Elephantech and NICCA CHEMICAL contributes significantly toward reducing the industry’s environmental impact
【Press Release】Selected for NEDO’s FY2022 “Technology-based Startup Support Program”
Elephantech Inc. has been selected by the New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization for the "Technology-based Startup Support Program" for the fiscal year 2022.
【Press Release】Joint Development with NICCA CHEMICAL of “Neochromato Process” Polyester Fabric Discharge Printing Technology for Zero-Waste Fashion
ファッション・テキスタイルロスゼロを目指す ポリエステル抜染技術『ネオクロマト加工』
Elephantech Inc. is pleased to announce the joint development with NICCA CHEMICAL CO., LTD. of the “Neochromato process” polyester fabric discharge printing technology with the aim of achieving zero-waste in fashion textile.
Making the world sustainable with new manufacturing technologies
Making the world sustainable with new manufacturing technologies
Elephantech Inc. manufactures P-Flex®, Flexible Circuits that can be produced with inkjet printing, which significantly reduces environmental burden following our mission of “Making the world sustainable with new manufacturing technologies”.
